Saturday, May 16, 2009

True X-Mouse Gizmo (copy n paste using your mouse)

"X-Mouse" means the following: 1. Keyboard focus follows mouse pointer instantly (the only one that can be achieved with TweakUI, annoyingly enough accompanied by the "quality" to raise the window upon click). 2. Marked text is placed into the paste buffer instantly on left button release. 3. Pasting is done with a single middle button click. (The latter two are implemented in couple of applications - only to feel more acutely the lack of it in the rest of the windows!) 4. Ability to lower windows with right button click on window decoration. 5. Autoraise (if engaged) is delayed relative to input refocusing. All of the above is what this "True X-Mouse Gizmo" is about:-) "X-Mouse" means the following: 1. Keyboard focus follows mouse pointer instantly (the only one that can be achieved with TweakUI, annoyingly enough accompanied by the "quality" to raise the window upon click). 2. Marked text is placed into the paste buffer instantly on left button release. 3. Pasting is done with a single middle button click. (The latter two are implemented in couple of applications - only to feel more acutely the lack of it in the rest of the windows!) 4. Ability to lower windows with right button click on window decoration. 5. Autoraise (if engaged) is delayed relative to input refocusing. All of the above is what this "True X-Mouse Gizmo" is about:-) DOWNLOAD

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